Q: How long does an order take to ship?
A: Once an order is placed via MustHaveMugs.com, the order is sent to our fulfillment center. Typically the order is processed and filled within a 24-hour period and then shipped out to you! The speed of shipment is dependent on what shipping method the buyer chooses at checkout.
Q: How are payments processed and do you keep record of payment information?
A: We do NOTÂ keep payment information. All payments are process via Paypal, securely and quickly. If you do not have a Paypal account, you can still pay using a credit or debit card. Paypal is simply the credit processor we use as they are one of the most secure payment platforms.
Q: How do returns work?
A: All return information can be viewed in our Return Policy.
Q: Do you provide custom orders?
A: The answer is YES! We do provide custom orders. Prices may vary depending on the order request. You can fill out custom order information on our Customer Order form, HERE.
Q: Do you offer discounts for bulk orders?
A: We do offer discounts for bulk orders. Please contact us HERE prior to placing a bulk order and we can provide you with all discount information.